2007 – Transformers

Transformers – 2007

This was one of the dumbest movies I have seen in a long time. Thank goodness the special effects were fantastic… well, mostly.  Just keep in mind that this movie was directed by Michael Bay, the man with a reputation for making things blow up.  And he certainly remained true to form here.  There were explosions left and right, whether we needed them or not.

But you see, the biggest problem I had with the movie’s visual effects wasn’t all the big fireballs.  It was the way in which the director cut the action together.  Again, as it typical for Bay’s style, the action was fast and chaotic.  There was so much happening so quickly, that I didn’t get a chance to absorb any of it.  At times, it was just confusing.  I couldn’t even tell what was happening to who.  All I could see is that things were flying across the screen at break-neck speed, and smashing into other things, sending debris flying in every direction.  It was too much to follow, and too much to allow me to appreciate the effects themselves.  I understand how those kinds of visuals create an intended chaotic feel for the action, but it does very little to help tell a story, or even show a clear sequence of events. And the constant hand-held shaky-cam that added to the chaos didn’t help matters in that regard. 

But aside from that, the effects were actually alright.  The real reason we all came to see this movie was to see the live-action, photo-realistic Transformers change from vehicles like cars, trucks, tanks, and fighter jets, into giant robots, and for that, they made it look kind-of cool.  But even though the effects were fine for a fantasy movie, my logical mind had a few issues with some of the details.  For example, these things are made of metal, but when they spoke, their metal mouths were nearly as flexible as human lips.  Or when the man’s cell phone was changed into an evil robot, where did the extra mass come from for it to be firing bullets without depleting its own size, or was it magically replicating matter?  And why did the bullets vanish as soon as they hit the safety-glass walls of the cage?  But when the vending machine came to life it shot soda cans instead of bullets, because it was supposed to be funny, I guess.  Little things like that bothered me.

When I was a child, I had several Transformer toys, and I loved how the clever transformations were accomplished, how the front fenders of a car popped out and became arms, how the hood folded down to become a chest, how a hidden head flipped up from the car’s engine compartment.  But in the movie, most of the changes happened so fast, you couldn’t clearly tell what parts of the vehicles were becoming what parts of the robots.  Oh well.  It still looked cool.

And there were plenty of high-speed chases and stunts and the like, most of which defied logic and the laws of physics.  The giant mechanical scorpion in the desert was pretty awesome.  And lots of building were destroyed in spectacular fashion.  Action, action, and more action!  That was really the name of the game.  Just don’t expect a smart, well-written story with clever dialogue, because if that’s what you are looking for, you are watching the wrong movie.

2001 – The Fellowship of the Ring (WINNER)

The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring – 2001 (WINNER)

The special effects for this mega-blockbuster of a film were beyond incredible.  The Lord of the Rings trilogy of books were only ever before adapted as animated features because it was thought that the special effects inherent in the story would never be able to be believably portrayed in a live action film.  But it seems that technology had finally progressed enough that the attempt was made, and the results were spectacular.  There is no doubt that this movie deserved its win.  But all that being said, the special effects were not without their flaws.

Still, in order to find those flaws, I have to be incredibly nit-picky.  So, I’ll spend only a moment to briefly mention the two scenes in which the effects didn’t quite work so seamlessly.  First is a single shot during the Council of Elrond scene, where Frodo walks forward, saying he will take the Ring to Mordor, his image looks shaky, like he doesn’t belong in the image.  Second is another isolated shot in Moria, when Frodo and Aragorn are on the collapsing staircase.  As it topples forward, the two characters look very green-screened.  And that was it.

Everything else was pretty-much perfect.  The effects in this movie was so many and so varied, that it would be impossible to mention them all, but two types of effects that catch my attention the most, every time I watch the movie, is the beautifully detailed environments, usually displayed best when they are shown in wide shots, and the fantasy creature effects.

Now, I’ll admit that many of the wonderful scenery and environment shots are more than just the results of the visual effects artists.  The cinematography, the production design, the set design, and others play huge parts in the success of these images.  But the special effects team is mostly in charge of the miniature models and the digital environments, and they really created the most wonderfully memorable designs that are on hundred-percent photo-realistic.  The house of Elrond, the Mines of Moria, and the home of Galadriel in Lothlorien, were phenomenal!  These effects couldn’t have been done any better.

And the creatures like the Ring Wraiths, the cave troll, and the orcs and goblins, were incredible.  And who can forget the terrifying flaming demon, the Balrog?  But one of the most impressive things in the film were the main characters and their heights.  Humans, elves, dwarves, and hobbits all have different heights, even though the actors were roughly the same size.  Carefully choreographed scenes made use of forced perspective and other techniques to always make the actors appear height-appropriate, which was fundamentally impressive, especially when objects were handed from a hobbit to a human, but remained the same size.  The effects in this film, and its sequels are just pure eye-candy, and a delight to watch, each and every time!

2001 – A.I. Artificial Intelligence

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

I’ll start this off by saying that this is one of my favorite movies of all time, definitely within the top twenty.  With that in mind, I will try to keep this review unbiased and a little more objective.  One of the reasons I like this movie so much is the special effects, which were phenomenal.  When you see a film by Steven Spielberg, you know you are in good hands.  The techniques used in this film had never been accomplished in such a perfected way before.  For example, right in the opening scene, a live-action actress’s face suddenly opens up to reveal that she is a mechanical robot.  It was incredible.  And when her face closed, the CGI seamlessly turned back into the live actress.  The transitions were perfect.

But that was just the first scene.  The entire movie was filled with incredible images that were varied and imaginative.  There were actors with half of their faces burned off to reveal mechanical structures underneath.  There was the Flesh Fair, in which robots with human faces were destroyed in various vulgar ways.  There were three dimensional holograms, flying vehicles, and the New York City skyline rising up out of a risen ocean.

And then there was the main character, David, so incredibly played by Haley-Joel Osment.  Though he acted the part of a human being, there were scenes in which he had to be opened up to reveal his mechanical insides.  We saw him sitting under water without drowning, and we saw his mecha-siblings in various stages of construction.  Watching him decapitate an image of himself was pretty meta.

And there were two specific environments in the film that I still find impressive, every time I watch the movie.  There was Rouge City, which was like a hyper-sexualized and futuristic version of Las Vegas, and there was the submerged, and later frozen, depiction of New York.  Rouge City was made up of dozens of different images which combined live action and CGI effects.  In these shots, there were sensors on the ceiling of a blue-screened set that connected the environment to the camera movements, allowing Spielberg to see accurate three-dimensional visualizations of a composited scene while the actors were being filmed.

The only real visual effects disappointment in the movie were the advanced mecha-robots of the far-future sequence.  Their look, while very alien, to be sure, was good enough, but it was their movements that gave them away as fake images.  Maybe their stilted movements were an intentional affectation, but I don’t think so.  They reminded me of early CGI characters that had a kind of unnatural way of moving that was too smooth, and yet too jerky, to be realistic.  If David and Joe could move naturally in the present, why did their advanced counterparts of two thousand years in the future move like animated Poser figures?  That made no sense.  But I think that if that was the films only real flaw, we’re doing just fine.

2000 – Gladiator (WINNER)

Gladiator – 2000 (WINNER)

This movie had two kinds of special effects, ones that you can easily see, and ones that you don’t necessarily notice.  Both categories were handled expertly.  There were both practical effects and a fully stocked cadre of digital effects.  All of them were combined in creative and innovative ways to create a picture of the Roman Empire at the height of its power.  Director Ridley Scott gave audiences visuals that had never before been attempted on such a grand scale.

The ones you can see were pretty spectacular.  The film opens with a great battle sequence in a field in Germania, where the true might of the Roman War Machine was brilliantly displayed as never before.  All the fights in the gladiatorial arena were thrilling to watch, especially the one with the tigers.  The Battle of Carthage sequence was also fantastic in its realistic violence and gore.

But it was the visual effects that you might not notice that really made Gladiator stand out as being truly deserving of the Oscar it took home.  The sequence where Maximus first enters the great Colosseum of Rome was fantastic!  There was an amazing shot where the camera circles the gladiators in a twenty-eight second, five hundred forty-degree panorama. Then there was the crowd and the Colosseum, itself.  The Colosseum was only partially constructed with only one end of the arena, and only one story.  The full structure teeming with the cheering spectators was filmed in sections, then duplicated and pieced together in a computer.  Motion capture was used to film and place individual people all over the digital image. The actual Colosseum in Rome was photographed, and the real patina and stucco was projected onto the digital structure.  The realistic result was flawless!  It looks like they really built the whole building and filled it with a horde of extras.  There were also a few shots in the film of the Colosseum from the outside which were really awesome.  I’ve been to the real thing, and this reconstruction is amazing.

Another effect that you might not know was in there is the character of Proximo.  Oliver Reed, the actor that played the former gladiator, died during the filming of the movie.  In order to save the movie, a stand-in actor was used to finish filming his scenes.  In the wide shots, Reed’s face, taken from extra footage of him, was digitally placed onto the body-double’s neck.  In the close-up shots, more previous images were used and digitally manipulated to fit the remaining scenes.  I would never have known if I hadn’t done my research.  It was very convincing and so important to the film. 

This was a movie that took home a total of five Oscars, all of which were deserved, but the one for Visual Effects was particularly well-earned. But with his incredible track record of bringing us movies with awesome visuals, like Alien, Blade Runner, and Legend, we should expect no loss of Ridley Scott.  Well done!

1997 – The Lost World: Jurassic Park

The Lost World: Jurassic Park – 1997

This movie wasn’t perfect, but its special effects weren’t too bad.  They were consistent and interesting.  The problems I had with the movie were in the script and not in the visuals.  So, we’ve all seen Jurassic Park and marveled at the super-realistic dinosaurs.  Well, here in the second installment of the franchise, we get several new dinosaurs to dazzle us.  Spielberg also put them in new locations and situations just to add a little more interest.

But that being said, the good things were great.  The new dinosaurs that I really liked were the Stegosauruses, the pack of Compsognathus, and the Pachycephalosaurus.  But of course, the main villains were the T-Rex and the Velociraptors, though the Raptors were somehow less deadly than their predecessors in the first Jurassic Park movie. 

This time, instead of a single T-rex, we had two of them and their child.  The baby Rex was designed to be almost cute, that is, until his mother prods him to tear the main human villain to pieces.  Unfortunately this took place off camera.  Funny, the death of the man who was devoured by the tiny Compsognathus herd took place off camera as well.  We are shown how dozens of the little monsters chased down and attacked the guy, which was pretty cool, but the killing surge was not shown.  This was strange because when one of the good guys was ripped in half by the two adult Tyrannosauruses, we got to see it all.

This movie had the distinction of having professional hunters going up against the dinosaurs.  They had modern guns, high-tech jeeps and equipment, and actually managed to capture several dinos, even the adult male T-Rex eventually.  There was a cool scene in which the men in their trucks were racing along with the dinosaur herds and capturing them, and that looked cool.  And then, in the film’s climax, the T-Rex was brought to San Diego, where it destroyed property, caused car crashes, and devoured people.  I loved when it bit and mangled a traffic light.

The only really unbelievable thing that happened in the movie was when Julianne Moore, Jeff Goldbloom, and Vince Vaughn were trapped in an equipment trailer that the mother T-rex was pushing over a cliff.  With the rear section of the trailer already dangling over the edge, the humans are holding on to a rope that had been threaded through the windshield of the front section of the vehicle.  As the front half topples over the sheer drop, the trailer slips over the people like a sock falling off a stick.  None of them are even so much as touched by the interior of the vehicle, which is full of equipment, furniture, and electrical consoles.  Nope!  Not buying that one!  But again, that has to do with the script and not the effect itself.

But in the end, the visual effects in this movie were very good.  They were just more of the same effects we saw in the first Jurassic Park film.  Only the dinosaur breeds were different… well, some of them.  But it was enough to give the audiences things they had not exactly seen before, and I can appreciate that.

1996 – Dragonheart

Dragonheart – 1996

These special effects were mostly good, though not all of them.  They were groundbreaking, but unperfected.  The movie’s big draw was the talking dragon, and for the most part, the effects were innovative and well done.  But sadly, the few flaws that were there just seemed very noticeable.  In a documentary included on the DVD, director Rob Cohen explained that they had a story they hadn’t been able to tell the way they wanted until they saw Stephen Spielberg’s Jurassic Park.

The CGI dragon was unique from any previous animated dragon.  The main thing was that it talked by using lips that very distinctly shaped its words, an impressive effect.  And I just want to give a quick shout-out to Sean Connery who expertly gave the dragon its voice. When you compare its image on the screen to the only other competently realistic dragon from the 1981 movie, Dragonslayer, it had incredibly smooth motion, a wonderful design, and depth and realism… usually.

The problem is that while they gave it skin texture, shadow, and depth, they were inconsistent.  As a result it looked like they were inserting footage of the dragon from various stages of its development, and I know that could not have been the case.  Sometimes he looked a little two-dimensional, sometimes he looked smooth, sometimes he looked rough.  I’m just not sure if this was intentional. 

Another thing that sometimes bothered me is that the dragon didn’t always appear to belong in the image.  He didn’t have any dark lines around him, but maybe it was the lighting that was off.  I’ll be the first to admit that my lack of education in filmmaking prevents me from putting my finger on what the problem really was, but I know when something doesn’t exactly look right.  To emphasize this, there is a certain scene I can recall in which Draco is walking next to Bowen who is on his horse.  They were moving through tall grass, but when the dragon took a step, he didn’t disturb the grass in any way, as if he was completely insubstantial. 

But I’m really being nitpicky.  The things they got right far outweighed the things they got wrong.   For most of the film, the realism was fantastic, and the fire breathing effects were perfect.  A couple of things that looked especially good were the little comic battle when Bowen first encounters Draco.  When Bowen gets caught in the dragons mouth, with his sword resting against its upper pallet, the little stand-off looked good.  I also liked when they showed the dragon swimming under the water of a lake.  Then when his head emerged into the open air, the dark, wet texture of the dragon’s hide was really awesome.

There were a couple other unique effects like the Bowen being dragged along by a rope attached to Draco’s ankle.  He is towed through a forest, banging into trees as he goes.  There were a few battle sequences between soldiers and peasants that brought a little action to the movie.  And there was the film’s climax where Draco dies and turns into a magical golden mist that floats away into the sky, there to become a new star.  In all, the effects helped to make this a fun movie to watch.

1979 – Moonraker

Moonraker – 1979

This was a dumb movie with a smattering of competent special effects, though even they had their failings.  Unfortunately, the bad seem to outweigh the good.  The most believable special effects are the ones that first, don’t look like special effects, and second, ones that pay attention to details like physics or… you know, reality.  Moonraker failed to pay attention to these two guidelines.

For example, somebody needed to teach the special effects artist what zero gravity actually means.  It does not mean walking around and doing judo moves when your feet are supposed to be off the floor.  Also, if you have a space station that is creating artificial gravity by spinning, people in the center of that wheel would still be weightless.  Weight would increase the further out from the center you went, but only if you were angled so that the bottoms of your feet were always facing the outer ring.  The movie 2010 a Space Odyssey got that one right eleven years earlier.  Also, because there is no oxygen in space, there cannot be lingering fires.

And the ridiculous way they tried to simulate weightlessness when Bond stopped the space station’s rotation made me really roll my eyes.  All they did was have the actors tip-toe across the floors as if they were lighter than air, and slow down the speed of the film.  But they were still walking.  There were a few brief shots of people slowly falling off high walkways towards the floor that looked pretty cool.  There, they actually did a little wire work, and the shots were from a wide angle, so the wires were too far away to be seen.

I mean, I understand that the James Bond franchise was jumping on the Star Wars bandwagon.  There were hand-held lasers that were never used as weapons again in any other Bond film.  There was the space battle where teams of combatants wearing space jet propulsion packs were shooting at each other as if they were on a battlefield.  I might not be an expert, but I don’t think that battle was entirely realistic.  It was almost like a cowboy shoot-em-up in outer space.

But those things only made up about the last half hour of the two-hour movie.  Like all other Bond films, there were daring stunts, things blowing up, high-speed chases, hand-to-hand combat, close escapes, and lots of nifty gadgets.  And as utterly stupid as it was, there was a gondola on the Canals of Venice that changed into a hovercraft that Bond drove through the streets of the famous city.  At one point he even has to battle a giant python in a pond.

For all that, the stunts were good enough, though some of the blue-screening was still a little obvious.  For example, when James uses a hang-glider to fly to safety, the background looked really fake. Still, I will admit that in the scene where Bond and Jaws fight on the top of a suspended gondola, the blue-screened background was pretty good.  But alas, as I mentioned in my review for another James Bond film, his ability to seduce every sexy woman he meets cannot be counted as a special effect.  Sorry James, but that was just as unrealistic as your space battle.

1974 – Earthquake (WINNER)

Earthquake – 1974 (WINNER)

The next movie in the era of disaster films is Earthquake, in which a seismic event that was over a seven on the Richter Scale devastates Los Angeles.   The special effects are an integral part of the plot, and once again, it was the only film even nominated for the award.  It was a give-away.  In fact, the previous year didn’t even have any nominees.  But did it really deserve the honor?  For the most part, yes, it clearly did.  However, there was a particular effect that really fell flat and had me rolling my eyes.  I’ll explain.

The film’s big earthquake scene actually lasted nearly ten whole minutes.  It was a non-stop effects extravaganza.  In most of the scenes, the crumbling buildings and toppling power lines were done perfectly well.  They were obviously scale models that were destroyed and then composited into real cityscapes, and that all looked very good.  There were also a lot of great shots of people getting showered with rubble and dust, and in some cases, even getting buried under tons of broken concrete.  There was a disintegrating dam that, when it finally broke, released a flood of water that obliterated everything in its path.

The actors, extras, and stunt people were subjected to shaking sets and incredible dirt and blood makeup.  There was a shot of a woman getting rained on by shattered glass, and when she turned to the camera, we could see large shards of glass protruding from her bleeding face.  We saw green-screened people falling out of skyscrapers and plummeting to their deaths, people being washed away by rising water, and people getting buried under dirt.

There were also several great composited wide shots that showed the large scale of the carnage and devastation caused by the earthquake.  They were great images that looked like war zones with ruined buildings making up the skyline, fire and smoke rising into the air, and dead bodies littering the streets.  Those effects were more than enough to earn the film its Best Special Effects Oscar.  And no, I’m not going to count Victoria Principal’s ridiculous wig as a special effect.  It was really just a sign of the times.

But then there was the ridiculously executed elevator scene.  In a film where everything looked more realistic than your average effects, we are treated to a badly done effect of a freefalling elevator that killed everyone inside.  As the elevator hit the bottom of the shaft, hand-painted blood got splattered onto the screen, as if the inside of my television is getting covered in gore.  First, what that did, is remind me that I’m watching something through a camera, disrupting my immersion into the story.  Second, it was like a cartoon of blood.  It was a flat, uniform color with a black outline that didn’t look anything like real blood.  But aside from some other minor transgressions like stretching the image in a really cheesy way when the quake began, in order to disorient the viewer, I have no real complaints about the effects on the whole.  They were actually done pretty well.

1970 – Tora! Tora! Tora! (WINNER)

Tora! Tora! Tora! – 1970 (WINNER)

Here we have another war film, and there’s nothing wrong with that.  I have developed an appreciation for war films, especially when they’re done right.  It’s just that when it comes to the special effects, there isn’t much to them.  We have things blowing up, and people being killed.  It has all been done before.  So the first question is, how was the quality of the explosions and the action sequences?  And as you might expect in a film that won the Oscar for Best Special Effects, they were pretty good.  But what was it about the effects for this movie that made it stand out above its peers?

For me, it was in the effects that didn’t involve exploding miniature models.  Let’s face it.  By this time explosions are a dime-a-dozen, though this movie certainly had some good ones. But there was some pretty awesome aerial stunt flying that was really exciting to watch.  You put those two things together and you have some pretty impressive effects.

The Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zeros were actually North American T-6 Texans, not that I would have known the difference.  But the people who flew them were obviously skilled pilots!  They must have had nerves of steel!  They were flying at incredible speeds, weaving around each other in every direction.  Every shot had to have been carefully choreographed and practiced.  It was really very cool!  Not only that, but there seemed to be very few blue-screened shots in the air.  So, not only did the planes being filmed have to know what they were doing, but the camera operators had to be in aircraft with pilots who were just as skilled.

The first three quarters of the movie were all setup, but once the bombing of Pearl Harbor began, the action didn’t let up.  It kept going and going, never giving me a moment to rest until the end of the movie.  There were torpedoes being dropped into the water where they impacted battleships and cruisers.  There were fires on the decks and in the water.  The men on the boats were loading anti-aircraft shells, firing machineguns, and running for their lives.  There were men on fire, men leaping into the water, men being gunned down on the decks.  Then the Japanese started bombing the air field, destroying all the grounded planes except for two who made it to the air where they did some terrific dog-fighting.

But there was one thing that caught my attention as being poorly done, and it was only in one or two shots.  The most effective special effects are the ones that you can’t see.  But to illustrate this point, there was a sequence in which there are men on the command deck of a ship.  They see torpedoes approaching them and wait for the impact.  When it hits, they shake violently, the ship in which they are standing shakes violently, but the background through the windows remains perfectly motionless.  It seems to me I would never have known that the background was not real if it had shaken along with everything else.  It just looked… incredibly fake.  Am I wrong?

1969 – Krakatoa East of Java

Krakatoa East of Java – 1969

The special effects for this film were actually very good despite the strangeness of the script.  It was a good movie, but it felt a little directionless at times, like it wasn’t sure what kind of movie it was trying to be.  And there is a reason I’m commenting on the film as a whole in a review that is supposed to be focused on its special effects.  According to my research, things were done backwards.  The impressive special effects were all filmed before the script was written, and the script was then put together based on that footage.

There is no doubt that the effects were good.  The volcanic eruption that destroyed an entire island was appropriately violent.  The smoke and the lava, the fiery rocks, the flaming projectiles, and the massive explosions were staggering.  The sequence where the little ship had to slowly escape to the open ocean while molten rock rained down on it was exciting and full of intense action.  Then, having survived the escape, our heroes had to batten down the hatches as a super-massive tsunami wave is generated.  The tidal wave submerges an entire coastal city where a few of our less fortunate characters flee for their lives.

It was all very cool to watch and but I noticed something strange.  There were a few shots that were re-used several times in the film.  In it, a spray of smoking rocks and fire shoot out of the mountain, and a small black rock is hurtled from the left side of the screen to the right.  I saw that same black rock sail across the screen three, maybe four times.  Did they think we wouldn’t notice?

Anyway, there were more effects than just the spectacular eruption and the tidal wave.  There was a sequence in which a hot air balloon is blown into the volcano just before it explodes.  First the carriage, and then the balloon itself catches fire.  The two men have to leap from the burning basket into the ocean.  Meanwhile, a man in a diving bell is lowered into the sea to search for a sunken ship.  When his air hose is compromised, two men in old-fashioned diving suits are lowered into the water to save him.  Four pearl divers also leap into the waves to help.

There were effects of all kinds on display, and as much as the movie tried to be a musical, a romance, a drama, and sometimes a comedy, all at the same time, there is no doubt that it was primarily  an action/adventure film.  The skillful use of miniature models, moderately passable blue-screening, seamless compositing, stunts, and practical effects, all combined to create some pretty impressive visuals.

Incidentally, this was right around the beginning of the era of the big-budget disaster film.  Coming up in the list of nominated films are others such as The Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake, and The Hindenburg.  After that, we’ll arrive at the era of more modern science fiction movies like Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Aliens.  I’m really looking forward to revisiting these films that entertained me so much when I was a child!